Use 1/3 to 1/2 the amount of fresh, 1/3 to 1/2 cup of dried leaves for this recipe.
How to Make Mint Extract With Dried Leaves Make sure you use food-grade glycerin like this one. You can use 3 parts glycerin to 1 part distilled water in place of the alcohol. Now they'll have the jars to make it again and only have to purchase the ingredients when they run out! This way you're actually teaching the person how to make their own by just doing the first part for them. If you don't have enough time to seep the extract before giving it as a gift, create a DIY homemade extract kit by giving one of these flip-top jars with the filled Mason jar of seeping extract and instructions on when to strain it. I adore these chalkboard labels and may have labeled every glass container in my house with them… may have. I purchased these pretty and vintage-looking glass swing-top bottles to house my extract in and give it away as a gift.

You can allow it to steep longer for a stronger flavored extract. Let mint leaves steep for at least 6 weeks. Place jar in a cupboard or out of direct light, but somewhere you'll remember to shake it every few days.Place lid on jar and give it a good shake. Fill jar with vodka, completely submerge mint leaves. Roll the leaves up between your fingers so they're good and bruised. Discard any burnt or damaged-looking leaves.Pick your mint leaves in the morning when they have the highest concentration of oils in leaves.A girl can't have too many mint plants!Ĭrush leaves to release oils Cover completely with alcohol To Make Mint Extract for Baking I personally grow chocolate mint, peppermint, and spearmint. fresh mint leaves (for the other extracts you'll need vanilla beans, lemons, almonds, and stevia leaves) Because there are tons of different mint varieties out there, the flavor of your mint extract will vary based on which variety of mint you use.This is especially important for those with grain sensitivities or allergies.) Rum is made from molasses and sugar cane by-products.
alcohol (Most vodkas are made from grains, including wheat or corn, and in the United States almost all corn is GMO unless certified GMO Free or Organic.